Self Defence Traning: sponsored by Kerala Police Self-Defence Training Team

Self Defence Traning: sponsored by Kerala Police Self-Defence Training Team

The Women Cell of GCAS, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), organized a Self-Defense Training session exclusively for girls on October 28, 2024. The event occurred in the GCAS Seminar Hall from 1:30 to 3:00 pm.

The programme commenced with a prayer, followed by a warm welcome address by Dr. Vidhu Krishnan, Women Cell Coordinator. Principal Dr. R. Gopakumar offered appreciation, while College Administrator Rev. Fr. Joseph Chacko delivered felicitations.

The Kerala Police Departments Self-Defense Team conducted an engaging presentation, emphasizing the importance of womens safety in public spaces. The interactive session equipped students with practical knowledge on resisting physical abuse.

As a token of appreciation, the Self-Defense Team members received mementos. Ms. Darsana V. S, a Women Cell member, expressed heartfelt gratitude with a vote of thanks, marking the conclusion of the enlightening training session.

Womens Cell/Womens Grievance Redressal Cell

Womens Cell/Womens Grievance Redressal Cell

University Grants Commission (UGC) recommends the measures for ensuring the safety of women and programmes for gender sensitization on campuses. According to the task force appointed by UGC, the recommendations include the need for setting up Womens Development Cell and Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell at colleges and universities. The Womens Development Cells in Colleges must be revived and funded to be able to carry out the range of activities that they are entrusted with. Their identity must remain autonomous to the functioning of the Committee against sexual harassment and ICCs. At the same time they should extend their activities to include gender sensitization programmes in consultation with ICCs and to help to disseminate anti sexual harassment policies on the campuses on a regular basis.

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