The College Council is a statutory body to advise and to assist the Principal in all academic and administrative matters. The College Council shall consist of the Principal, the Head of Departments of each subject of study and elected members from the teaching staff and the Ministerial Head of Administrative Staff of the college office. Principal is the Chairman of the Council . A Secretary is elected from among the members and the term of office shall be for one year. The Council Secretary issues notices of the Council meeting in consultation with the Principal. the Secretary prepares and keeps the proceedings of the meetings. The following are the members of the College Council:

  1. Dr. R. Gopakumar (Principal) Chairperson
  2. Rev. Father Joseph Chacko (Administrator) Member
  3. Dr. Sheela Irin Jayathi J. (Department of History) Council Secretary
  4. Dr. Binu Johnson (HOD, Department of English) Member
  5. Dr. Kavitha K. S. Nair (HOD, Department of Oriental Languages) Member
  6. Carolin Thomas (HOD-in-charge, Department of Commerce) Member
  7. Usharani R. D. (HOD-in-charge, Department of Economics) Member
  8. Arun Viswanadh V. (HOD, Department of Physical Education) Member
  9. Gayathri Venu Jaya (HOD-in-charge, Department of Psychology) Member
  10. Praveena Devi P. S. (Librarian) Member
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