World Environment Day 2024

As a part of the World Environment Day on 5th June 2024, the nature club of GCAS initiated "Sanjeevani" a herbal garden to popularise the use of commonly available medicinal plants and to conserve the traditional knowledge in a sustainable manner. Nature club members planted 51 medicinal plants with therapeutical properties.The garden was inaugurated by H.G.DR Gabriel Mar Gregorious,the Manager and the Metropolitan Trivandrum Diocese accompanied by Principal Dr R Gopakumar and Administrator Rev Father Joseph Chacko.Two teams of nature club members were assigned the responsibility to maintain the garden. Ms.Shehnaz B.M the nature club coordinator organized and gave guidance to the volunteers.

Snehakoodu - The Nests and Feeder for Birds

The Nature Club initiated a Programme Snehakoodu in the College Campus on 15th February 2024. The students built and installed 3 Nests and 2 Bird Feeders with the help of discarded materials. The three teams of Nature Club members were assigned the responsibility to take care of the nest, refill bird feed and water and ensure the cleanliness of the nest. Ms. Shehnaz B.M., the Nature Club Coordinator organized and gave guidance to the Volunteers. The Project focuses on providing living space for birds which would strengthen the natural ecosystem. The programme was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. R. Gopakumar and the Administrator Rev. Fr. Joseph Chacko by placing food and water for the birds.

A talk on the Status and Conservation of Wetlands

On 15th November 2023, the Nature Club organised a talk on the Status and Conservation of Wetlands. Our honourable Principal Dr. R. Gopakumar provided the Presidential Address acknowledging the presence of the guest. Dr. Kurian Mathew Abraham, Assistant Professor, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Kariavattom Campus, University of Kerala conducted an Interactive Session for the students emphasising the importance of Wetlands and its conservation. The Seminar ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Shehnaz B.M., the Coordinator of the Nature Club.

Mobile Photography Contest 2023

The Nature Club organized a Mobile Photography Contest from 15th to 17th September 2023. The theme of the contest was Beauty of Nature. Eighteen entries were received from the students of various classes. The photograph was judged on the basis of theme, creativity, originality and other photographic details

World Environment Day 2022

World Environment Day 2022

Nature Club

Nature club acts as a medium to touch the nature. The club conducts a variety of programmes such as seminars, field trips, nature walks, cleaning campaigns, distribution of seedlings etc.

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