• The students are expected to follow the dress code stipulated by the College authorities.
  • All the students should wear their identity card (issued from the college) while they are on the campus.
  • The students are expected to wear clean and modest dress, must be decent and polite in language and courteous in behavior.
  • Courteous behavior towards other student, especially to those of the opposite sex makes true Gregorian.
  • The medium of instruction and communication shall be English.
  • Students along with the teachers must be in the class at the time of Prayer bell.
  • Strict silence must be observed during morning prayer and National Anthem.
  • Late comers will be permitted to enter the class only after meeting the HoD/Principal.
  • Every student must make it a part of his/her personal duty to attend classes on all working days very punctually.
  • Students are expected to be in class at the first bell scheduled as per guidelines.
  • After the first hour, an interval of 10 minutes will be allowed during which all the students must re-assemble for the next class.
  • Students are required to attend classes regularly. A minimum of 75% attendance is the requisite for appearing for the University examination.
  • Timely submission of assignments, presentation of seminars and taking part in internal tests/examinations are requisites of the continuous internal assessment evaluation procedures directed by the University. Students are required to take part in these regular academic activities without fail.
  • A Model examination will be conducted at the end of each semester.
  • In each semester students should appear for two internal examinations conducted by the College and the internal marks will be awarded on the marks obtained in these two examinations.
  • Instances of ragging will lead to take appropriate legal action.
  • Students shall not loiter on the verandah causing distraction to the on-going classes.
  • Strikes, slogan shouting, skipping classes and crowding on the campus are banned.
  • No student shall enter or leave the class room during a lecture without the permission of the teacher.
  • Obscenity in word or action or any act of misconduct is subject to disciplinary action.
  • Political activities are prohibited on the college campus.
  • Do not disfigure the college furniture, walls, doors or windows with drawings, engravings or posters.
  • Do not tamper with electrical installations.
  • Grievances, if any, shall be presented to the Principal through your representatives.
  • If classes are free during any period, yourself manage it in meaningful co-curricular activities or by using library facilities.
  • You can address students in the classroom or any gathering on the campus only with the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Smoking, using alcohol/ narcotic drugs or chewing tobacco products is strictly prohibited on the college campus.
  • The students are not allowed to organize themselves or conduct meeting or collect money for any purpose other than official ones without the written permission of the Principal
  • Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, non-teaching staff and college authorities shall be viewed seriously.
  • Use of mobile phones are strictly banned in the classrooms and on the campus .
  • Tours Including Study Tours Shall Be Conducted Only With The Consent Of The Tutor / Head Of The Department Concerned And The Principal.
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