The Gregorian College NCC Army Wings 2024 Enrolment
The Gregorian College NCC Army Wings 2024 Enrolment was successfully held at Colachal Stadium, Pangod, from 11 am to 1:30 pm on October 29, 2024. This marked an important milestone for aspiring Cadets who underwent rigorous physical tests to assess their fitness, endurance, and readiness to meet NCC standards. Col. Jaisankar Chaudhari, Commanding Officer of 2(K) Battalion NCC, addressed the newly enrolled Cadets, emphasizing NCCs vital role in nation-building and instilling values like Leadership, Service, and Patriotism. He reminded them of their significant responsibilities towards the NCC and the Nation, encouraging them to maintain high standards and strive for excellence within and beyond the organization. The Event concluded with Col. Chaudharis inspiring message, leaving the cadets with a strong sense of purpose and readiness to serve the nation. This enrollment marks the beginning of their transformative journey as NCC Cadets.
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