English Degree/Honours
The word ‘Gregorian’, evokes the names of great Saints of the Church with the name ‘Gregorios’ which stands for “the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge”(Proverb 1:7). St Gregorios of Nazianzus, St Gregorios of Nyssa, St Gregorios of Parumala, St Gregorios of Pampady and Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios were great men well-known for piety, holiness and scholarships at national and international levels. The adjective Gregorian is used as synonym both for devotion and knowledge and hence the College stands for the noble objective of value-based and holistic education.
English Degree/Honours
Economics Degree/Honours
Psychology Degree/Honours
Finance Major - Degree/Honours
Finance & Accounting
With Statistics / Maths / History
Literature with journalism
Self Defence Traning: sponsored by Kerala Police Self-Defence Training Team...
One-Day Placement Grooming Programme by ASAP-Kerala...
Economic Quiz Competition Topic Union Budget 2025...
World Cancer Day - Blood Donation Camp Conducting by NSS Unit & Health Club of GCAS...
The National Service Scheme Unit and Health Club of Gregorian College organised a Blood Donation...
In observance of the 76th Republic Day, the National Service Scheme Unit of Gregorian College of...
The second Student Level Orientation Meeting for KELTRON- NSDC courses offered at Gregorian...
Ad-Shorts Making Competition (as part of World Advertising Day) Organised by Entrepreneurship...
The Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) organized a Student Level Orientation Programme...
The Student Level Orientation Meeting for KELTRON-NSDC courses offered at Gregorian College of...